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TensionPro Joint Venture

Strategic Partnership

From day one EchoBolt has sought to build strong relationships with organisations across the industry. Often business connections start as purely transactional or informal contacts, however as with all the best relationships as you start to recognise shared values you purposefully look for opportunities to do more together.

In our view exceptional companies are defined by their customer focus and are constantly challenging themselves to produce the highest possible quality in what they do. Having worked previously with a wide range of large diameter bolt tensioning equipment it was immediately obvious when working with TensionPro that they met this exceptional test. Their range of tensioner equipment delivers outstanding quality, their SONAR ultrasonic inspection device is light-years ahead of competitor solutions, combined with exceptional knowledge and a genuine desire to support our business we knew we had a valuable partner in the EchoBolt journey.

It is therefore with the greatest pride that we can announce the two organisations have agreed to form a partnership to provide a comprehensive end-to-end solution for joint integrity management in the wind industry. This partnership can now deliver all the services and equipment required for managing wind turbine connections, bringing together experienced connection design support, superior tensioning products, advanced inspection technologies and through life asset integrity management as a joined-up solution for wind farm operators.

Watch this space to see where this partnership leads.

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