We deliver specialist
bolt inspection & maintenance services for the wind industry
We support our customers to improve maintenance efficiency, reduce operational costs and minimise risk, by enabling a new approach to bolted joint integrity.
Eliminate re-torquing
Every year tens of millions of wind turbine bolts are retightened unnecessarily
Increase productivity
Bolt re-tightening is the number one driver of scheduled turbine downtime
Improve safety
Eliminate the use of high pressure hydraulic tooling and avoid repetitive manual handling
Reduce costs
£1 million annual cost saving per installed gigawatt.

EchoBolt offers a robust, certified alternative; by conducting a straightforward ultrasonic inspection of existing wind turbine bolts a single technician can verify condition quickly and eliminate any requirement for hydraulic retightening.
Delivering a condition-based maintenance strategy for wind turbine bolted connections, EchoBolt entirely eliminates the risk associated with hydraulic tightening, reducing maintenance costs by 90% and significantly increasing turbine availability.

The potential of Echobolt technology
Reduction in costs of bolt integrity management
Estimated annual savings for the European wind industry
Inspection time
per bolt
Offshore work days saved per year, across Europe.

Driving efficiency and performance for the wind energy revolution.
As existing assets age and new larger wind turbines are deployed in ever harsher environments, assurance of structural integrity of wind turbines is an increasingly vital activity for the sector.
With hundreds of thousands of critical bolts on a large wind farm, time based routine retightening is the single biggest scheduled maintenance task in the sector.
Requiring teams of technicians, repeatedly operating heavy, high pressure hydraulic tightening equipment, current maintenance practices are costly, time consuming and present avoidable risks to personnel.